Отомикоз (Otomycosis)

Otomycosis: fungal infection of the ear

Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the external auditory canal that can cause irritation and inflammation of the ear. This condition, also known as fungal otitis externa, is one of the possible causes of a person developing otitis externa.

Causes of otomycosis

Otomycosis can be caused by various types of fungi, such as Aspergillus, Candida and others. These fungi can grow on the skin inside the ear or use the external ear canal as a medium for growth and reproduction.

The main risk factors for the development of otomycosis are:

  1. Trauma to the ear, such as using sharp objects to clean the ears, which can damage the skin inside the ear and encourage fungal growth.
  2. Increased humidity and heat in the ear canal, which can occur when visiting a swimming pool or being in high humidity conditions.
  3. Using anti-allergy drops or antibiotics in the ears, which can upset the balance of microorganisms inside the ear and promote the growth of fungi.

Symptoms of otomycosis

The main symptoms of otomycosis are:

  1. Itching and irritation inside the ear
  2. Pain when touching or cleaning the ear
  3. Feeling of ear fullness
  4. Discharge of wax or foul-smelling fluid from the ear
  5. The appearance of white or yellow plaque on the walls of the external auditory canal

Diagnosis and treatment of otomycosis

Diagnosis of otomycosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist by visual examination of the ear and taking a smear for laboratory analysis. Treatment for otomycosis may include the use of antifungal drops or ointments that help kill fungi inside the ear.

If complications occur, such as infection spreading to other parts of the ear or hearing loss, surgery may be required. To prevent the recurrence of otomycosis, it is important to avoid the daily use of sharp objects to clean the ears, and also to practice good ear hygiene, including regular removal of wax plugs by an otolaryngologist.


Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the external auditory canal that can cause irritation and inflammation of the ear. This condition can be caused by various factors, such as trauma to the ear, increased humidity and heat in the outer ear canal, and the use of allergy drops or antibiotics in the ears. The main symptoms of otomycosis are itching and irritation inside the ear, pain when touching the ear, a feeling of stuffiness in the ear, discharge of wax or liquid that has an unpleasant odor from the ear, as well as the appearance of white or yellow plaque on the walls of the external auditory canal.

Diagnosis of otomycosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist by visual examination of the ear and taking a smear for laboratory analysis. Treatment for otomycosis involves the use of antifungal drops or ointments that help kill fungi inside the ear. If complications occur, surgery may be required.

To prevent the recurrence of otomycosis, it is important to avoid the daily use of sharp objects to clean the ears, and also to practice good ear hygiene, including regular removal of wax plugs by an otolaryngologist.

In general, otomycosis is a fairly common disease and can cause unpleasant symptoms. However, with timely consultation with a doctor and compliance with ear hygiene rules, otomycosis can be successfully treated and its recurrence can be prevented.

Otomycosis is a fungal disease of the outer ear. It manifests itself in the form of inflammation and irritation of the skin in the area of ​​the external auditory canal. This disease is rare. According to medical research, about 4% of the world's population suffers from otomycosis, mainly young children. Occurs mainly in young people and children.

The causes of fungal infection may be related to the structure of the mucous membrane, which is often damaged when removing wax or improperly performed examination. The immune system also plays a special role - if it is weakened, the body is not able to actively fight infection.