Toxic Substances Psychotomimetic

Toxic substances and psychotomimetics: features and consequences of exposure to the human body

Toxic substances (TS) are chemical compounds that can cause changes in the state of the body when ingested or through the skin. Some of them may have a damaging effect on living tissues, others cause breathing problems, motor activity, headaches, accompanied by weakness, nausea and dizziness. Thus, agents have the ability to affect the body at the biochemical level and cause painful changes.

The psychotomimetic effect of toxic substances is associated with the effect on the central nervous system, which is one of the most sensitive to external factors (temperature, mechanical, chemical damage). When ingested, a psychotomimetic can change the functioning of brain neurons and disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses. This can cause various effects on the central nervous system, such as depression of consciousness, lethargy, impaired muscle tone, respiratory and heart rhythm disorders, and hallucinations. In case of damage to the respiratory and circulatory organs, hypoxic coma, convulsive states of the respiratory centers and disturbances in the conduction activity of the brain develop, which is fraught with consequences for life. In case of contact with psychotomimetics, it is recommended to take urgent measures to protect the respiratory system - the use of masks with protective impregnation, personal protective equipment, and special clothing. Antidote and preventive measures are also carried out to protect against the effects of psychotomimetics and other toxic substances.

To eliminate the consequences of poisoning with chemical agents, a psychotomymetrician must undergo a rehabilitation course, including removing the poison from the body, restoring the function of the digestive, respiratory systems, nervous system and brain. However, with long-term exposure to psychotropic substances, their exposure can lead to serious health consequences, including mental disorders, heart disease, decreased intelligence, enuresis and other mental disorders. Therefore, it is especially important to carry out prevention and promptly respond to symptoms of poisoning.