Ovarian cyst

Ovarian cyst

The ovaries are the most important organs of the female reproductive system. In them, the maturation of eggs occurs, which, during the process of fertilization, combine with sperm. Of all ovarian diseases, cysts are the most common.

What is an ovarian cyst?

A cyst is a cavity with thin walls filled with fluid. There are different types of ovarian cysts depending on the cause of their occurrence:

  1. Follicular cysts form when a mature egg is unable to leave the follicle in the ovary and enter the abdominal cavity. The unresolved follicle fills with fluid, stretches and turns into a cyst.

  2. Luteal cysts occur after the release of the egg from the follicle and in its place a “corpus luteum” is formed. If the process of resorption of the “corpus luteum” is disrupted, a cyst is formed.

  3. Other cysts. Tumors filled with fluid or even fat and hair (dermoid cysts) can develop in the ovaries.

Causes of ovarian cysts

Most often, cysts occur due to hormonal imbalances. Other causes are inflammatory diseases and infections.

Dangers of ovarian cysts

Most cysts are benign and go away on their own. However, large cysts can cause pain, disrupt the functioning of the pelvic organs, and lead to infertility. Sometimes the cyst can twist, which leads to necrosis and rupture of its contents into the abdominal cavity. This is dangerous due to the development of peritonitis. Cysts can also develop into cancer.


Most often, cysts are asymptomatic and are discovered accidentally during an examination by a gynecologist. For diagnosis, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and hormone analysis are performed. If necessary, laparoscopy.


Functional cysts are treated with hormonal drugs. For inflammatory diseases, antibiotics and physiotherapy are used. Large cysts are removed laparoscopically or through traditional surgical approach.

Prevention of ovarian cysts consists of regular visits to the gynecologist, timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, and normalization of hormonal levels.