Oxygenator (Oxygenator)

Oxygenator is a device for saturating blood with oxygen outside the human body. It is used in conjunction with pumps that support blood circulation in the patient’s body during open-heart surgery (see Heart-lung device), or to improve blood circulation in the body of a patient suffering from heart or lung diseases, in which the oxygen content in the blood is significantly reduced .

Oxygenator: a life-sustaining device

An oxygenator, also known as an oxygenator, is a device used to oxygenate blood outside the human body. This is necessary in cases where the body cannot provide enough oxygen to support life.

Oxygenators are widely used in medicine, especially in cardiac surgery. During open heart surgery, when the heart is turned off and circulation is maintained by pumps, oxygenators play a critical role in keeping the patient alive. They maintain oxygen levels in the blood, which allows the body to continue to function even in the absence of the cardiovascular system.

Oxygenators can also be used to keep patients alive with heart or lung disease in which the amount of oxygen in the blood is significantly reduced. This may be necessary to prevent organ damage due to lack of oxygen, as well as to maintain life in critical situations.

Oxygenators consist of two main parts: an oxygenator and a gas vent valve. The oxygenator saturates the blood with oxygen, and the gas vent valve removes carbon dioxide from the blood. Oxygenators can come in a variety of sizes and configurations depending on the needs of a particular patient.

Although oxygenators are an important life-sustaining tool, they can also have some side effects, such as an increased risk of bleeding, blood clots, and damage to blood vessels. Therefore, the use of oxygenators requires professional expertise and careful supervision by medical personnel.

Overall, oxygenators are an important and integral component of medical practice to keep patients alive in critical situations. Thanks to the constant development and improvement of technology, oxygenators are becoming more effective and safe for patients, saving lives and improving the quality of life of those who need medical care.

Oxygenators are devices placed in blood vessels that bring oxygenated blood from the heart-lung machine directly to the heart and lungs. It is also possible to use an oxygenator in parallel with a heart-lung machine. This is interesting? Now we will find out!

Oxygenators differ significantly in composition. There are oxygen chambers, pumps and other devices for supplying oxygen. Modern devices consist of the following main components: an injection mechanism, a filter, a high-pressure oxygen hose, and an electrical power cord. The operating principle of the chamber is based on oxygen saturation of a biocompatible liquid. The device uses saline solution.

The data obtained give grounds to consider oxygenators as a universal tool for the treatment of patients who have undergone open-heart surgery. During artificial ventilation of the lungs with saline solution