Ozena (Ogaepa)

Ozena is a disease that affects the nose and causes its specific changes. This is a chronic inflammatory disease, manifested mainly by damage to the mucous membrane and skin of the nose, as well as its paranasal sinuses. The result is chronic infection and allergic rhinitis. A frequent accompaniment of the disease is a nasal odor, which many people consider normal. However, an unpleasant odor emanating from the nose may indicate diseases of the nasal cavity, including those that develop into serious conditions.

Another concomitant pathology of ozena is headaches. They arise for various reasons. After all, the nasal cavity helps remove mucous secretions and gases from the body. In the later stages of the disease, not only the functions of the mucous membrane, but also the cartilage tissue of the nose are disrupted. The patient experiences injuries to the mucous surface and inflammation of the mucosa. Most often, such pathologies lead to constant headaches, which most often get worse in the morning. Pain syndrome is typical for all patients, but in some cases it

Ozena, also known as ozaena, is a chronic disease that affects the nose and leads to atrophy of the mucous membrane. People with this disease usually experience a strong foul odor from the nose and difficulty breathing through the nose. In this article we will talk about the causes of ozena, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Causes of ozena

Unfortunately, the cause of ozena is not fully understood. However, there are some risk factors that can increase the likelihood of the disease, such as smoking, chronic stress, obesity, and genetics. In addition, there are some diseases that are associated with the development of ozena. For example, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis may increase the risk of developing ozena when exposed to other risk factors.

Symptoms of ozena may vary depending on the stage of development of the disease. The initial stages of ozena often go unnoticed, but as the disease progresses, a person experiences problems breathing through the nose, dryness in the nasal cavity, and a strong, unpleasant odor. Over time, the nose can become completely clogged and make breathing difficult.

Ozena is a chronic disease that progresses gradually. Many patients improve with treatment, but the disease may continue to progress without treatment. There are several treatment methods for ozena