Ozoceritol treatment

**Ozokerite** is a natural wax that is formed from bitumen resins contained deep in the earth. This product is very popular in the treatment of various skin and musculoskeletal diseases. One of the most common treatment methods that use ozokerite is the so-called ozokerite treatment.

Ozokerite treatment procedures have a thermal effect on the body, which helps improve blood circulation and stimulate tissue regeneration. Waxes help reduce inflammation and pain, reduce swelling and increase muscle tone. Eliminating itching, increasing immunity, improving conditions in diseases of the liver, respiratory tract and blood vessels - these are all the effects that the use of ozokerite gives.

The simplest method is to apply layered polypositional ozokerites. They are used to treat a wide range of diseases, including arthritis, rheumatism, muscle pain, salt deposits, etc. This type of therapy helps relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Also

Ozokerite is a sedimentary rock of natural origin. It contains a large number of different mineral elements that have a positive effect on the human body. They accelerate tissue regeneration, have an anti-inflammatory effect and can accelerate metabolic processes.

Indications for ozokerite treatment: * inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, accompanied by pain. * chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis outside the acute stage * chronic salpingoophoritis outside the acute stage * acute subacute inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. * neuralgia and neuritis. * condition after injuries to the musculoskeletal system. * rehabilitation period after operations of various types.

**Ozokerotherapy** is one of the types of medical treatment that is used to treat many diseases. Ozokerite treatment is based on the use of a natural material known as ozokerite.

Ozokerite is a beneficial substance for health, which is obtained from petroleum products or resins. It has high heat capacity and viscosity, and also has many useful properties. For example, it improves blood circulation, helps relieve inflammation, calms the nervous system, heals wounds and ulcers, and much more.

The basic principle of ozokerite treatment is that a warm substance (ozokerite) is used as a local dosage form. The procedure is carried out mainly in a ward, where the procedure is carried out by applying special ozokerite applications to the skin. There is also a method of introducing ozokerite directly into the cavities and tissues of the human body, which allows it to quickly reach the site of inflammation and begin treatment.

The healing properties of ozokerite can be found with complex