Falling or being hit by a stone

Falls and blows cause pain and suffering, causing confusion and crushing, and there is danger in them due to the interruption of continuity in the bones or interruptions of continuity arising in the viscera, their membranes and nerves, as well as in the large vessels located there, they are also dangerous because of the strong pain. The larger the body, the greater the danger, and therefore children with frequent falls experience less suffering than adults. After a fall, bruises and blows, large bumps also form, and this has to be prevented as we described in our place.

Sometimes falls and bruises lead to great misfortune due to the rupture of part of the heart or stomach, and the victim immediately dies from this. Often urine and feces are blocked or they come out involuntarily, and sometimes this causes bloody vomiting or severe bleeding from the nose due to a ruptured vessel in the head, liver and spleen, the abdomen swells, breathing becomes difficult and voice and speech disappear. If a person suffered from a blow, a fall or something similar and his speech disappeared, his head sagged down, his breathing weakened and his forehead sweated, and his face turned yellow or blue, then he will die immediately. If such a sick person, or a person who has been stabbed with a knife or beaten severely until he bleeds, immediately begins to vomit blood and soften his nature, then he dies. It is best if he vomits blood mixed with food, especially if he is swollen on the outside. If the tumor goes inside and falls off, and after this the person vomits pus, then he will die on the spot. If a person fell on the ear and a lot of blood flowed out, then the ear would certainly swell, and this would kill. Someone who has fallen head first often stops speaking, and if he survives until the third day and does not feel better or worse, then they give him an enema on the third day and wait until the seventh day, without touching him with anything before that. If a person falls and the bruised area does not turn red, then the organ is rich in nerves.