Palpation Bimanual

**Palpation** - (Latin palpatio - touch, from palpus - palm) palpation of the patient’s body, which is one of the elements of the general examination of the patient by a doctor during an external examination.

*Bimanual examination is carried out with 2 hands: one - on the corresponding side and below, the other - from above, above the symmetrical organ.*

The most common palpation method is bimanual. The examination is carried out with the palm of one hand, then with the second, from above and under the protruding parts of the organ being examined. It should be taken into account that the anterior wall of the abdomen is tense; it can be detected by the deeper folds of the skin. Superficial palpation is only a guide in identifying pain points.

To detect the symptom of palm voting, a jerk-like displacement of the anterior abdominal wall is performed on the side where the abdomen participates in the act of breathing. By the absence of displacement with a hand standing on the abdominal wall, it is determined whether the corresponding half of the abdomen is involved in respiratory movements