
Panspermia is a hypothesis about the possibility of life being brought to Earth from space. It was put forward in 1903 by the German scientist Richard Hamer. According to this theory, life on Earth arose as a result of the introduction of foreign spores (seeds) from space with meteorites and comets.

According to panspermia, life was brought to Earth from outer space, where it existed in the form of spores, which then ended up on our planet. This could have happened as a result of falling meteorites or comets.

Some scientists believe that panspermia may be true, but not everyone agrees with this hypothesis. Some scientists believe that life on Earth could have arisen naturally without the need for it to be brought from space.

If panspermia is true, it could have serious consequences for our planet. For example, if life also exists on other planets, this could lead to the exchange of genetic material between different life forms. It can also help us better understand how life arose on Earth and what conditions were necessary for its existence.