Papilloma under the armpit during pregnancy, what to do

The content of the article:
  1. Main reasons
  2. How to treat papilloma under the arm during pregnancy
    1. Cauterizing agents
    2. Vitamin and mineral complexes
    3. Antiviral agents
    4. ethnoscience
  3. Procedures for removing papilloma in pregnant women

Papilloma under the arm during pregnancy is a small formation localized in the armpit. On average, the diameter of the growth is 2-5 mm. It can be pale, beige or deep burgundy. For the most part, the presence of papillomas does not threaten health, the only exception is the risk of transition to a malignant form (cancerous papilloma).

The main causes of papillomas under the arm during pregnancy

The photo shows papillomas during pregnancy under the armpit

Papillomas under the arms of pregnant women appear due to infection of the woman with papillomavirus, which is activated when immunity decreases and the body’s protective properties deteriorate. This is due to a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, since a pregnant girl needs much more of these substances.

Let's look at why papillomas may appear under the armpit during pregnancy:

  1. Skin friction. It can occur due to the appearance of stretch marks on the body, the tissues sag, become rough, and become irritated. For this reason, wounds may appear under the armpit, through which the virus enters the body. After some time, it becomes more active and causes the formation of papillomas.
  2. Fast weight gain. A pregnant woman should gain a total of 8-13 kg during pregnancy. Most often, rapid weight gain occurs in the last, third trimester, which is when a dangerous situation arises.
  3. Hormonal disbalance. It inevitably happens to all girls in an interesting position. This is due to the cessation of menstruation, slowing or increasing the production of prolactin and testosterone. Such problems contribute to the development of cells in the skin that increase the likelihood that papilloma will appear under the arm during pregnancy at any stage.
Note! One woman may have several reasons for the appearance of papilloma under the arm during pregnancy. In this case, the disease will be more complicated, and treatment should be comprehensive - normalizing hormonal balance, preventing obesity, fighting stretch marks and, in fact, eliminating the papillomas themselves.
  1. Read also about the causes of papillomas on the chest during pregnancy

How to treat papilloma under the arm during pregnancy?

To increase immunity, a woman is recommended to take special vitamin and mineral complexes containing folic acid, iron and other beneficial substances. They will help strengthen the body, make it more resistant to the virus and thereby speed up the fight against its manifestations. The growths themselves are treated with pharmaceutical cauterizing and folk remedies. This will also effectively help treat papillomas on the body of pregnant women that have formed in any place: on the neck, chest, nipples, genitals, etc.

Cauterizing agents for the treatment of papillomas under the armpit in pregnant women

The purpose of using cauterizing agents is to accelerate the process of scab formation at the site of papilloma under the arms of pregnant women and to naturally remove the tumor.

The most accessible and safest here will be the most ordinary iodine, in which you need to moisten a cotton swab or ear stick and lubricate problem areas. It is recommended to carry out this procedure for about 6 days in a row.

You can replace iodine for papillomas under the arms during pregnancy Betadine, presented in the form of a solution for external treatment of growths. The product should be applied to the skin in the area of ​​formations, left for 5 minutes and rinsed off. It can be used both pure and diluted.

An alternative to iodine and Betadine may be Feresol. You should moisten a cotton pad in it and treat problem areas with it 2-3 times a day.

You can replace it or supplement it with "Sunny Skin", but it must be applied to the skin under the arms using a special applicator. The papilloma should be lubricated in a targeted manner, including the skin around it.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women

  1. If you have papillomas under the arms during pregnancy in the first trimester, it is recommended to take a monthly course Complivita Trimester 1, in the second and third, you should buy drugs with the appropriate designation on the package. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: take 1 tablet per day 30 minutes before or after meals.
  2. You can also find quite effective vitamins on the market. "Doppelherz Active for expectant mothers". There are 30 of them in one package, which is enough for exactly 1 course lasting 1 month. Accordingly, you should take 1 tablet. per day, washed down with water. Good analogues are Pregnazon and Centrum Silver.
  3. We should also focus on vitamins "Elevit Pronatal", which are designed specifically for pregnant women. To increase the body's resistance to the papilloma virus, you need to drink 1 tablet per day with plenty of water. The optimal course duration is 30 days. This drug can be replaced with Femibion ​​Natal or Pregnacare.

Antiviral agents for the treatment of papillomas under the arm during pregnancy

Before using any external remedy for papillomas under the armpit in pregnant women, you should consult your doctor!

Antiviral agents are necessary to dry out human papilloma and remove them independently. With the consent of a specialist, you can use cream "Panavir", which is harmless to mother and baby due to its plant base.

Panavir has an excellent analogue - salicylic ointment against papillomas, but it can be used in the smallest doses and only during the first 2 months of pregnancy. The required frequency of use is 2 times a day, and the duration of treatment is 2 weeks. There is also salicylic acid for papillomas in the form of a 2% solution.

Instead of this remedy, Viferon. This ointment should be applied to the papilloma itself and the areas around it in a thin layer, leaving until absorbed. This should be done about 3 times a day for a week.

In addition, for papillomas under the arms during pregnancy, it is advisable to purchase Virogel ointment. If the formation is present in only one copy, then it is enough to lubricate it with a small amount of the product, a thin layer, 2 times a day, distributing the composition with your fingers and holding until absorbed. Treatment should be carried out for 2-3 weeks, taking into account the current condition.

Traditional medicine for papillomas under the arm during pregnancy

To combat armpit papillomas during pregnancy, it is recommended to use mainly external folk remedies, because ingestion of various infusions and tinctures can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the well-being of the baby!

It is recommended to first test any homemade ointment and other similar compositions to exclude an allergic reaction. For this purpose, they must be applied to the elbow in small quantities; the absence of redness and itching indicates normal tolerability of the composition.

Recipes for external remedies to combat papillomas under the arm during pregnancy:

  1. With lemon juice. Just squeeze the liquid out of it, soak a piece of gauze in it and apply it under the bandage for 30 minutes. Carry out this procedure every day until the papilloma dries and is eliminated.
  2. With red rowan. Pour boiling water over the berries, mash with a fork and prepare a thick paste. Then lubricate a piece of gauze with it and apply it to your armpit. Secure the compress on top with a bandage and plaster. After 20 minutes, remove it and wipe the skin. Perform this procedure every day before going to bed until the problem is resolved.
  3. With garlic. To destroy papilloma under the armpit of a pregnant woman, peel it, grind it on a grater and rub the finished pulp into the papilloma and the areas located next to it. Movements should be calm, not intense, so as not to injure the tumor. After this, rinse the skin under your armpit with clean water. Perform these actions every day, but no longer than 1-2 weeks.
  4. With onion. The principle of its use is the same as in the case of garlic. Just peel the vegetable, grind it into a pulp and wipe problem areas with it morning and evening. See more recipes with onions for papillomas - 5 pieces.
Important! If side effects appear from alternative treatment for papilloma under the arm during pregnancy - redness, inflammation, irritation and itching of the skin - you should stop using the product and immediately consult a doctor.
  1. Also read about folk remedies against papillomas on the neck in pregnant women: 3 recipes with walnuts, dandelion and eggs.

Procedures for removing papilloma under the armpit in pregnant women

Surgical removal of a tumor during pregnancy can be dangerous for the health of the mother and baby, as it requires general anesthesia. Therefore, if there is no effect from local treatment, it is best to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist for laser treatment, electrocoagulation or cryodestruction.

  1. Read also: “Is it possible to remove papillomas from a pregnant woman?”

Here are some features of the main procedures:

  1. Laser exposure. Its essence lies in the destruction of papilloma under the armpit during pregnancy from the inside using a light beam of various lengths and frequencies. The procedure takes no more than 5-10 minutes. Usually 1 session is enough for successful treatment. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles in Russia (1300 hryvnia in Ukraine).
  2. Electrocoagulation. This procedure is based on the use of electric current. It affects the structure of the papilloma and helps remove it along with the root. In this case, no scar remains, and no painful sensations arise. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles in Russia (250 hryvnia in Ukraine).
  3. Cryodestruction. This technique involves exposing the papilloma under the arm during pregnancy to liquid nitrogen, which freezes the papilloma in one or several sessions. This procedure is painless, so no anesthesia is required. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles in Russia (150 hryvnia in Ukraine).

How to get rid of papillomas during pregnancy - watch the video:

The appearance of papillomas under the arms of pregnant women while carrying a child is a rather rare occurrence. If a neoplasm does occur, it is mainly a small pedunculated papilla. Regardless of why this growth may have appeared, it needs to be removed only if it poses a threat to health and causes discomfort due to injury from clothing.