Papillomas on the knee: causes and treatment

HPV on the knee

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. What do papillomas on the knees look like?
  3. Treatment methods
    1. Medicines
    2. Removal of papillomas from the knees
    3. Folk remedies

Papilloma on the knee is a skin growth that has a circulatory system and is benign in nature. Its appearance is caused by the human papillomavirus. Such a dermatological defect is considered completely safe for health if you avoid any exposure to it. However, the knee joint is not a place where such formations can feel safe, because here there is an increased risk of injury, which can easily activate the process of cells degenerating into malignant ones. For this reason, the presence of papilloma on the knee is an indication to visit a doctor and determine further steps for treatment and removal of the growth.

Causes of papilloma on the knee

HPV 3d model

The main cause of papillomas on the knee is direct infection with the human papillomavirus. Over time, an increasing number of infected people are observed. The harmful microorganism penetrates the tissue through microscopic damage to the skin and takes root there, waiting for favorable conditions to begin the formation of defects on the surface of the epidermis.

There are several ways to become infected with HPV, namely:

  1. Congenital. If a pregnant woman is a carrier of HPV, then the likelihood of infecting the child during the passage of the birth canal is quite high, especially when there are genital warts in the vagina.
  2. Contact method. Infection can occur at the most unexpected moment. The transmission of the virus is facilitated not only by intimate relations with an infected person without using a condom, but also by a simple handshake or touching an object on which the pathogen could remain. You can become infected in public swimming pools, saunas, locker rooms in gyms, on public transport, in a beauty salon and in almost any other public place. When the pathogen is active, papillomas appear on the body, including under the knee.
  3. Household method. There is a chance to “catch” HPV even at home if one of your relatives is a carrier of this virus. A great risk is observed if the sanitary and hygienic culture in the family is low, and household members use common hygiene items and other things. During the active phase of the pathology and a significant increase in the viral load, even a fleeting kiss can transfer the pathogen to the healthy tissues of another person.
  4. Autoinfection. This method rather refers to the spread of the virus throughout the body of the same person. Often, papillomas on the knee begin to grow in one of the areas of the skin, and with proper hygiene, proper and timely treatment, the disease is reduced to “no”. But as a result of traumatizing the growths and ignoring the basic rules of keeping the body clean, the virus is transferred to new areas of the skin and takes root there, provoking new foci of papillomatosis.

This disease has no age, gender or national preferences. With equal zeal, the pathogen affects both adults and children, both men and women, both Slavs and Asians. But all people suffering from HPV have one similar property - reduced immunity. High immune defense can reduce the activity of the virus to a minimum and completely prevent the appearance of papillomas under the knee. And a weakened body practically does not prevent the appearance of growths.

Let us consider in more detail what factors significantly reduce immunity and contribute to the activation of HPV and the appearance of benign formations on the knees and other parts of the body:

  1. Poor diet. A lack of dairy, meat and fish products in the daily menu provokes a deficiency of iron and protein in the body, the important task of which is to maintain the strength of the immune system. Hemoglobin production also decreases. Insufficient consumption of fresh plant foods - fruits, berries, vegetables - also negatively affects health. If you do not consume this food, you will experience a lack of vitamins; ascorbic acid is considered especially important for increasing the body’s protective functions.
  2. Stressful state. Every day, every person feels the impact of factors unfavorable to the psyche and nervous system. These include various kinds of conflicts (domestic, social), personal failures in business, the use of gadgets and much more. In turn, there is an overstrain of the nervous system, which is fraught with a weakening of the body and immune defense, which provokes the activation of HPV and the appearance of papillomas on the knee.
  3. Improper work and rest schedule. A large number of people in today's hyperactive living conditions suffer from insufficient rest. Lack of night sleep provokes the accumulation of fatigue, the body becomes unable to quickly recover and resist viruses, bacteria and other external pathogens. This significantly increases the risk of HPV infection and the appearance of papilloma on the knee.
  4. Poor environmental situation. It's no secret that the environmental situation is getting worse every day, which also affects the health of every person. Polluted air, water, and food do not add strength to living organisms. The human papillomavirus, on the contrary, begins to behave much more actively, causing the appearance of symptoms in the form of the growth of benign skin formations.
  5. Prolonged drug therapy. Antibiotics are among the most dangerous medications taken for a long time and without proper medical supervision. They can significantly worsen microflora and reduce immunity. As a result, the risk of developing papillomas on the knee and under the kneecap increases.
  6. Chronic and acute diseases. The body is practically unable to suppress the activity of HPV if a hormonal imbalance occurs or if there are any chronic diseases, for example, diabetes, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, etc. Depletion of the body also occurs with a common cold.
In fact, the appearance of papilloma on the knee and under the kneecap is a fairly rare event. However, the skin in this area of ​​the body is rougher, but not very thick, there is no fatty layer, it often lends itself to tension, friction and injury, so the penetration of the virus here occurs quite often in children, the elderly, and athletes.

Often, the presence of such growths is not directly capable of causing harm to health. Many people consider this formation to be just an undesirable cosmetic defect and do not make any attempt to eliminate it. But, in fact, exposure to the virus provokes disturbances in the reproduction of epidermal cells. Over time, papillomas can increase in size and cause more trouble. Because of this, it is worth seeking medical help in time to prevent unwanted and rather dangerous consequences.

  1. See also the causes of warts on the knees

What do papillomas on the knees look like?

What do papillomas on the knees look like?

Photo of papillomas on the knees

There are several types of papillomas, and each of them has favorite places. It is worth noting that such growths on the knee are quite rare, but it is possible, albeit with less frequency. Therefore, the beginning of the growth of papillomas in this area may indicate a significant weakening of the immune system or the appearance of serious diseases.

A photo of a papilloma under the knee illustrates that the growths, just starting to form, are not much different in color from the skin, but the older they become, the darker they can be, even brown.

At first, single formations appear, but without proper treatment and under, so to speak, favorable conditions for the virus, quite extensive foci of growth can form.

The most common types of papillomas that appear on the knee are:

  1. Hanging papillomas. They can more be called processes. Fixed in the skin, a thin stalk emerges from the root, on which an irregularly shaped benign formation is formed. The surface is characterized by roughness and the presence of tubercles. The color is initially flesh-colored, becoming pinkish, burgundy and brown as it grows and ages. Sometimes there are black spots on the body of the growth. Hanging papillomas gradually increase in size, reaching up to 5 mm in length. As immune defense deteriorates, the number of formations increases. This type is more likely to appear under the knee joint than on top of the kneecap. Hanging structures are more susceptible to injury than others. The presence of blood vessels in them can lead to bleeding and infection of the wound with other pathogens.
  2. Vulgar papillomas. Similar in appearance to a cone with a dense structure. Their surface is rough. They can be isolated, but most often there are numerous papillomas on the knee. Increasing in size, they can merge with each other, occupying more and more new areas of the skin. Only rarely can vulgar growths lead to the development of malignant tumors.
  3. Flat papillomas. They are flat seals that are smooth to the touch, round in shape, and sometimes polygonal. The color most often matches the tone of the skin, but they can also be yellowish or pinkish. They can cause discomfort in the form of itching, redness of nearby tissues, and the development of an inflammatory process in the skin.

Treatment methods for papilloma on the knees

Before you begin to treat papillomatosis, you should undergo all the necessary diagnostic procedures that will provide complete information about the clinical picture of the disease. Often, a visual examination of papillomas on the knee is not enough. For example, it is necessary to carry out PCR diagnostics, which allows you to determine the strain of the virus and viral load, assess the risk of complications and select adequate treatment. Therapy must be fully justified. The best option that brings good results is a complex of medicinal and instrumental measures with the possible inclusion of folk remedies in the scheme.

Medicines for papillomas on the knees

Medicines for papillomas on the knees

In the photo there are drugs for papillomas on the knees

Conservative measures include taking medications, which in the case of HPV treatment can be not only for oral use, but also for external use. Currently, there are many highly effective drugs.

To increase resistance to the virus and reduce the viral load, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs are used. Without them, a weakened body will not be able to resist infection. This list includes a considerable number of medications, among which the following stand out:

  1. Dufilm. For external use. Contains salicylic and lactic acid. This cocktail causes complete death of papilloma cells on the knee in a matter of days. May cause burns and irritation to healthy skin. The cost is low. In Russia, the price of Duofilm is 150 rubles, and in Ukraine - 90 hryvnia.
  2. Isoprinosine. Many doctors consider this drug indispensable, because. it is characterized by a high degree of antiviral activity. It stimulates the production of antibodies and prevents the integration of viral DNA into human cells. Promotes the death of papillomas in 15% of cases. It can work as a single drug, but only if the carrier has a strong immune system. It is often used in combination with other antiviral medications.
  3. Solcoderm. This medication comes in the form of an aqueous solution for external use. The composition includes various acids. The liquid dries out the cells of the growth, stimulating necrosis of the papilloma body on the knee. Leaves virtually no scars. The price in Russia is from 390 rubles, in Ukraine – from 220 hryvnia.
  4. Aldara. The cream increases the immune response, but does not directly affect the virus. The duration of therapy can last up to 16 weeks. The price in Russia is 450 rubles, in Ukraine – 210 hryvnia.
  5. Arbidol. A popular antiviral agent that increases the body's defenses. Can be used from 2 years of age. The price starts from 150 rubles or 85 hryvnia.
  6. Lymphomyazot. It is a homeopathic remedy. Contains many natural ingredients. Strengthens the immune system. Applicable from 18 years of age. Price - from 600 rubles or 320 hryvnia.

The use of cytostatics in the event of papilloma on the knee has little justification, because these growths rarely cause tissue degeneration into malignant ones. Cytostatic exposure is necessary if, according to diagnostic results, there is an increased risk of developing cancer. It is worth remembering that drugs from this group carry the risk of side effects, so you should not buy them without a doctor’s recommendation.

The role of vitamins in the body’s difficult fight against the human papillomavirus is difficult to overestimate. The natural balance of these beneficial compounds contributes to a person’s high resistance to external irritants, including pathogens, which are HPV.

Vitamin complexes such as:

  1. Perfectile. It has a dermatoprotective effect, reduces the harmful effects of external factors on the skin, stimulates tissue regeneration, improves blood circulation, and normalizes the balance of nutrients. The cost in Russia is from 610 rubles, in Ukraine – from 350 hryvnia.
  2. Vitrum. Has a multivitamin composition. Replenishes the lack of various vitamins and minerals. Helps normalize metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. Price - from 550 rubles (320 hryvnia).
Despite the relative harmlessness of vitamin-mineral complexes, they should not be taken without consulting a doctor.

Instrumental methods for removing papillomas from the knees

Removing papilloma from the knee

Removal of papillomas is necessary not only to eliminate the dermatological defect, but also to prevent the development of complications associated with mechanical, thermal or chemical effects on growths. Not all medications are able to completely remove formations from the surface of the skin. Therefore, doctors often prescribe instrumental procedures.

This or that method is selected based on the clinical picture, the age of the patient, the location of papillomas and the size of the affected areas. The location of the papilloma on the knee practically does not limit the choice of available techniques, because the skin here is not sensitive, there are no vital organs or mucous membranes nearby, there are no aggravating factors, as is the case with the removal of formations from the surface of the rectum.. In addition, this area is quite easy to care for during the recovery period.

Possible procedures for removing papilloma on the knee:

  1. Electrocoagulation. Removal is carried out using electric current. The likelihood of scarring is minimal. The price of the procedure is from 1000 rubles (from 300 hryvnia).
  2. Radio wave method. Papilloma on the knee is removed under the influence of high-frequency waves. The method is painless and highly effective. The price for eliminating one growth is from 2000 rubles or 700 hryvnia.
  3. Laser removal. This method is very popular due to its effectiveness and rapid restoration of the structure of skin tissue. The price in Russian clinics starts from 1000 rubles, and in Ukrainian institutions - from 400 hryvnia.
  4. Surgical method. It is less popular, but is recommended for large growths. Quite traumatic, because... Along with the root of the tumor, part of the healthy tissue is also removed. There is often a noticeable scar left. Price - from 500 rubles (300 hryvnia). Many doctors do not recommend this method for removing papilloma under the knee, because... there is more delicate and thin skin.
If the doctor suspects the development of oncology, he will order a biopsy for a detailed examination of the material. The laboratory analyzes the cells, their relative position, and structural features, which gives a clear understanding of whether the process of tissue degeneration has begun.

Folk remedies against papillomas on the knee

Onions and garlic for papillomas on the knees

Traditional medicine has a wide list of potent remedies that will certainly help get rid of the problem. Many of them are found in every home and can be used at any convenient time. This is very important if there is simply no opportunity to visit a medical facility.

The use of folk recipes for removing papilloma on the knee provides a local targeted effect. A contraindication is usually the presence of individual intolerance.

The duration of treatment and the frequency of manipulations depend on the size of the growths.

Several of the most common traditional medicine remedies for eliminating papilloma on the knee and under the knee joint:

  1. Laundry soap. The most common brown soap, intended for hand washing clothes, has a powerful antiseptic effect. The drying effect provided destroys the structure of papillomas. But do not forget that healthy tissues also suffer during extensive processing. Based on this, you need to lubricate the growths pointwise or later moisturize healthy areas with baby cream, without affecting the growth itself.
  2. Iodine. This product is in any first aid kit. It perfectly cauterizes any growths, dries and disinfects the surface of the skin. When working with iodine, the main thing is to observe the dosage and caution when applying the product to the papilloma under the knee. For a stronger effect, the treatment should be repeated several times a day.
  3. Onion and garlic. These two products have excellent disinfecting and antibacterial properties, they have an incredibly rich vitamin composition, which significantly accelerates tissue healing after complete removal of papilloma from the surface of the knee. It is best to use them not separately, but to make onion-garlic paste using a fine grater or blender. The finished product should be applied directly to the affected area. At the same time, in order to avoid spreading or getting into healthy areas of the skin, a gauze bandage is applied on top, and then the entire compress is fixed with a bandage.
  4. Celandine. Even the name of this plant suggests that it has been used to treat various skin diseases since ancient times. Indeed, the juice of this plant has unique properties that can not only cleanse the skin, but also quickly get rid of papillomas on various parts of the body, including the knee. It is enough to apply a fresh cut of the plant to the desired place several times a day or gently lubricate the papillomas with pure juice.

The described means are available to everyone and are very safe for humans. And the fact that they are able to remove annoying papillomas from the skin adds to their popularity. However, we should not forget that without a professional examination and correct diagnosis by a certified medical specialist, you can waste valuable time and aggravate the disease, leading to undesirable consequences.

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