Lenticular papule

Lenticular papule is one of the most common skin diseases, which is characterized by the appearance of small formations on the skin that resemble lentil grains. This disease is also known as lentil grain disease.

Lenticular papule can occur anywhere on the body, but most often it appears on the face, especially the cheeks, forehead and nose. The disease can be caused by various factors such as heredity, hormonal changes and environmental influences.

The main symptom of lenticular papules is the appearance of small white or pink formations on the skin, which may be slightly raised or flat. These growths can be painful and itchy.

Treatment for lenticular papules usually involves the use of topical medications such as creams and ointments containing corticosteroids. Medicines containing antibiotics or antifungals may also be used. In some cases, the use of systemic medications such as immunosuppressants or antihistamines may be necessary.

However, although treatment for lenticular papule may be effective, the disease can recur if not treated correctly or if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and prescribing the correct treatment.

Lenticular papules are a visual imperfection on the skin that can be caused by various reasons. In this article we will look at the nature of the occurrence and treatment of this disease.

Papules are a cosmetic skin defect characterized by the presence of growths on the surface, which can have different shapes and sizes. The name "papule" comes from the Latin word "pappula", which means "grain". These are a kind of skin changes and they can occur for various reasons.

One of the most common types of papules is lenticular. It is painless and asymptomatic. But they still cause discomfort, especially if they increase in size. Papules can be either congenital or acquired. They can develop due to various factors, including hormonal changes, illness, allergies and other reasons. In cases where it affects a person's health, it may require diagnosis by a doctor.

The exact causes of lenticular papules are unknown. There are several theories that explain this phenomenon. One of them suggests that the reason is a disruption of collagen synthesis in cells. Another claims that it is a consequence of inflammation caused by infections and other causes. Some experts believe that the development of lenticular forms is observed due to genetic factors. However, this is not an exhaustive list of reasons.

Symptoms of a lenticular skin defect can manifest in different ways. Typically, these are small white or slightly pink skin lesions. These elements are usually oval or round in shape and are often present in a group. Their size can be quite small, sometimes reaching 1 mm or more. Externally, they look like matte or shiny tubercles. The quantity can vary from a few pieces to hundreds depending on the location, and can occur from a simple to a thickened layer, but this does not depend on the location.

Although they are usually located on the knees, elbows, buttocks and neck, they can also form on other parts of the body. However, they remain permanent and do not appear again after self-removal. As follows from