
Article "Parabulia: origin and meaning"

Parabulia is a word that is often used to describe various forms of mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder. It comes from the Greek word "proubolos" - "lunatic lunatic" or "insane." Parabulia in medicine refers to inadequate and irrational behavioral manifestations that occur in mental disorders. This is a condition when the processes of thinking and emotional regulation are disrupted, which in turn leads to deviations from usual behavior.

Mental disorders can manifest as paranoia, manic-depressive disorder (bipolar affective disorder), post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder. With a psychological deviation, the patient experiences unreasonable fears and anxieties, tension, aggression, or unusual carelessness. These symptoms are not always related to reality. The patient can see fictitious threats that no one but him knows about and