Paraphrenia Confabulatory

Paraphrenia refers to a disorder of thinking of varying degrees of severity, when there is figurative delirium, that is, judgments of fantastic content that are not related to reality and the content of the current situation. Thinking disorders characteristic of paraphrenia: the content and nature of delirium are changeable, emerging judgments are often determined by the patient’s current environment, he can perceive his fantasy as reality, real active substances, thoughts, ideas about fantastic situations are perceived as illusory, delirium is often fragmentary, random content, ideas of a confabular nature. The content of confabulations is false memories, the essence of which is the emergence of false images of perception, in the presence of real events from memory that patients imagine happened in the past, but are significant in reality for the patient. With the development of Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome, delusions of reflection, combined with pathologically imaginative ideas and confabulations, lead to the development of Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome. Paraphrenic syndrome can begin acutely, often with a protracted course of hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome, occurring against the background of affective disorders or a subdepressive mood background. The disorder usually begins with paranoid ideas of jealousy, hypochondriacal or psychasthenic type. Then systematized delusions of persecution, relationships, and antagonistic ideas arise. In the process of development of the syndrome, systematic fabulistic delusional ideas of intermetamorphosis, somatic, moral, hypochondriacal dominate. From the growing mental defect, in parallel, there is a destruction of criticism and a decrease in will, a decrease in the overall level of intellectual and mnestic functions. There is a gradually increasing ossential pathology: psychosensory disorders, pseudohallucinations, typical symptoms of mental automatism with various alternating episodes. The data from autopsychic reports of patients with hysterical features are summarized, which is confirmed by the results of a neurological study. At the height of psychosis, the appearance of vegetative symptoms with arterial hypertension, heart failure, respiratory disorders of the “brady-asthenia” type, hepatogenic dystrophy, arrhythmias, febrile fever, and impaired consciousness are possible. Regression of mental disorders manifests itself slowly at the psychotic stage; it is also characterized by fluctuations in the degree of mental disorders and long-term persistence of autism. Twilight states are the initial moment of the Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome, and their asthenia with failure-like disorders of consciousness or a state of remote - allometamnesia, psychometemesia (at the level of

At its core, paraphrenia is confabulation - distorted thinking, in which a false idea of ​​reality is formed in the patient’s inner world. Paraphrenia is a pseudohallucinatory perception of events and phenomena that exceeds the degree of awareness of a person’s inner world. In such a state, delusions constantly change and arise against the background of depletion of mental strength. It is a disorganized stream of fantastic images, thoughts and feelings. The patient is not able to distinguish the truth from the delusions created by his imagination, in contrast to the schizophrenic, who is well aware that all his visions are fictitious. In this type of cognitive disorder, there is always a connection between changes in thinking and inappropriate behavior. Listen to your body, observe your thoughts, and then you will definitely be able to make a diagnosis. But, unfortunately, this can only be done upon receipt of official documents from a psychiatrist. Remember, if you think that “something is wrong” with you, it is better to seek qualified medical help so as not to worsen your condition.