Paralysis Parturientium 1)

Birth paralysis

Labor paralysis is a condition in which a woman experiences pain and paralysis after a difficult birth. This can lead to serious consequences for mother and child. Paralysis occurs due to damage to the nerve endings in the lower part of the body. In this article we will consider the definition of the concept of paralysis during labor, the causes of its occurrence, treatment methods, as well as preventive measures.


_**Birth paralysis**_ (paralyssparturienti; Greek partus) is paralysis or paresthesia of the lower extremities, complicating and complicating

Birth paralysis or postpartum paralysis is a symptom complex of clinical manifestations of compression or damage to the nerve trunk due to birth pathology. A characteristic feature of birth paralysis is that it can develop not only in the mother, but also in the newborn child. Classification of paralysis According to the degree of distribution: focal (partial) and