Paralysis Spastic

Spastic paralysis is a severe neurological disease in which muscle movement is impaired. Movement disorders in the form of spasms are persistent and long-lasting. In parallel, patients experience muscle weakness of varying severity. Patients often appear clumsy, helpless, and unable to control their movements, giving the impression that they cannot or do not want to use their muscles correctly to move. There is constant tension in the affected muscles.

The main causes of spastic paralysis are the following factors: vascular pathologies, degenerative disorders of the cerebral cortex, intoxication of the body, stroke, head injury, cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) and other pathological conditions. In this case, damage to the musculoskeletal system often occurs due to a disorder in its nutrition and nerve conduction.

Clinical manifestations of spastic paralysis are associated with the presence of increased muscle tone.