
Paralipophobes are subject to severe attacks of fear at the mere thought of the disgust and disdainful attitude of others towards them. People with phobias rarely leave their comfort zone. Fear of the disgusting attitude of others, fear of being humiliated in the comfort zone leads to the appearance of paralipophobic neuroses. These people are very sensitive to manifestations of disgust; in the event of such manifestations, it simply becomes difficult for them to breathe, as they are afraid of getting sick

Paralipophobes cannot live with the idea that they neglect the people around them in order to stay focused. Such people may be tormented by various thoughts throughout the day. They don't get enough sleep because of these thoughts, and they also lead to social isolation. This fear is part of the paranomaly; it does not affect other people in any way.

I would start by looking at the reasons for the development of paralipophobic thoughts. When people feel that they cannot pay attention to other people, they become very upset about this and begin to suffer from this fear. Paralipophosbs are also very similar to stymophobia (fear of decision-making).