Paralysis Progressive

The most important symptom of ST is progressive paralysis. The picture develops gradually, with few symptoms or even asymptomatic. Negative mental disorders in patients with P.P. very distinct, of which the main ones are symptoms of organic mental damage, mainly depression, helplessness and

Title: "Progressive paralysis: A special type of psychosis"


Progressive paralysis (PP) is an unusual type of psychosis that is dangerous and difficult to treat. It is characterized by gradually increasing symptoms that include loss of coordination and speech, as well as impaired thinking and memory. PP can develop due to various diseases, such as HIV, syphilis and AIDS. In this article we will look at the nature of this disease, its symptoms and possible treatments.


PP is a type of progressive paralysis associated with neurosyphilis where the nervous system is affected. It can occur several years after infection with syphilis, or without a direct connection with this disease. Neurosyphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which attacks the nervous system and causes symptoms such as pain in the limbs, impaired motor skills, loss of speech, poor coordination, memory loss, mental disorders and seizures. The disease can lead to various severe consequences, including blindness and paralysis.


The specific manifestations of PP depend on the part of the nervous system affected, but often include muscle weakness and impaired movement of muscles, including the arms, legs, tongue, and throat. Patients experience difficulty swallowing and chewing, and speech impairments make communication difficult. Many exhibit stereotypical movements such as winking and head rotation. Paralysis of the face and eyes can cause difficulty communicating. Motor disorientation is expressed by difficulty moving the fingers and toes. Mood disorders include anxiety and mental depression, as well as forgetfulness. Psychiatric symptoms may include depression and confusion.


Effective treatment of PP is possible only in specialized medical institutions. Medicines for neurosyphilis have not yet been developed, so complex therapy is indicated for the patient. It may consist of antibiotics, antidepressants and other drugs prescribed by your doctor. In parallel, rehabilitation measures are carried out over several months. The use of physical therapy is also indicated. However, for a complete cure, long-term treatment, constant monitoring by doctors and monitoring of the patient’s condition will be required. Due to the possible danger of spreading the disease, you should avoid contact with people with neurosyphilis, for which you need to undergo an annual examination or get vaccinated against syphilis.

Progressive paralysis is a severe mental illness that is characterized by chronic deterioration of memory, mental abilities and behavior in a person. The disease usually begins with general fatigue and headache, and then progresses to complete memory loss and mental paralysis.

The pathogenesis of the disease is not fully understood, but it is assumed that it is associated with metabolic disorders