Parametric Rear

Posterior parametritis is an inflammatory process of the mucous and submucous membranes on the posterior wall of the vagina. The causes of posterior parametritis are diverse, and the pathogens that cause it may have a different nature of origin. Classic pathogens of posterior parametritis are nonspecific opportunistic microflora (cocci, enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, Proteus) and specific microflora - Trichomonas and yeast-like fungi. However, the occurrence of this disease is not always caused by contact with a source of infection. Unfortunately, infection of the genital organs in women, even during casual sexual contact, is extremely rare; much more often this term is used erroneously in medical circles. An exception is cases of purulent discharge that arose as a result of the direct impact of a man’s microflora on the female body. Much more often the origin of inflammation of the posterior parametrium