
Paranoia is a mental disorder in which a person begins to perceive everything around him as a source of potential threat and infidelity in the world around him. There are different types of paranoia. Causes: The causes of paranoia can be varied. Stress, chronic diseases, disorders of the central nervous system, chemical poisoning, organic brain damage - all this can contribute to the development of this disorder. In some cases, hereditary factors are noted - the presence of mental disorders in relatives.

Signs: With paranoia, all aspects of a person's life are involved in the observed pathology. He begins to fear for his health, experiences constant fear in relation to a specific situation (for example, close proximity). A paranoid person fears for the safety of his money, property, ideas and other benefits. If this group of fears is strong, then a person can begin to save several times more than necessary in order to preserve his goods, but even this approach will not be sufficient. It’s easier for a paranoid person to leave the house and go outside than not to close the door.

Paranoia is a common psychological problem that affects many people. Some people experience fears and anxiety, while others live in constant tension and do not trust others. In this article we will look at the nature of paranoia and its impact on human life.

Paranoia is a mental disorder


Paranoia is a mental disorder characterized by increased anxiety, suspicion, and suspiciousness. It involves constantly thinking that people around you are plotting something against you. People suffering from paranoia may see conspiracies in the most ordinary things, such as rain or wind. Sometimes such people create entire security systems to protect themselves from imaginary threats. However, paranoia is not a disease, it is