Paraplegia Spastic Erba

Erb's spastic paraplegia is a serious diagnosis that calls into question the patient's life. It means that a person is paralyzed or has limited movement in one or two legs, and both arms, if they are not amputated. This diagnosis directly affects all areas of a person’s life - intellectual, social, and professional. Problems during treatment may be associated with the reluctance of patients to take medications, as well as errors in rehabilitation and many other factors.

How can we help patients cope with all these problems? The first step is for patients to understand exactly how their disease develops, why they experienced paralysis, and what can be done to slow down the regression. Patients should know what measures should be taken to increase the effectiveness of therapy. It is important that the doctor himself is very competent, understands all medical aspects and is fully aware of the problem before he begins to treat patients with paraplegia. But unfortunately, even after such a detailed explanation, the disease causes stress in patients. Because of this, the quality of life can be greatly reduced. But thanks to the constant efforts of doctors, it is possible to improve the patient’s standard of living. In conclusion, I would like to note that issues related to Erby’s paraplegia not only cause physical problems, but also have a huge emotional impact.