Paraproctitis Pelviorectal

Pelviorectal paraproctitis is an inflammation localized in the pelviorectal (pelviorectal) tissue space

The term "P." translated from Latin means “intestines”, and hence its second name is “pelvic-rectal paraproctitis”.

There are several forms of pelvic-rectal paraproctitis: * acute, * chronic,

By relapse rate:

recurrent, persistent.

**Symptoms of pelviorectoparaproctitis:**

- painful lumps appear on the inside of the buttocks, caused by the formation of an abscess. - As a rule, there is an increase in temperature to 39°C.

With the pelvioanal form, general symptoms of paraproctitis are observed - chills, weakness, difficulty urinating.

**Paraproctitis** is an inflammatory process in the tissues located around and behind the rectum. Caused by various microorganisms. It manifests itself as persistent pain along the posterior-inner surface of the thigh and in the perineum, with the presence of a focus of infiltration near the anus. Proctologists use many terms to define the area of ​​localization. P. is usually called a secondary disease of soft tissues located in