Parino Conjunctivitis

Parino conjunctivitis: main causes, symptoms and treatment

Parinaud's conjunctivitis, also known as Galezian conjunctivitis, is a rare eye disease that is named after the French ophthalmologist Parinaud (1844-1905). This condition is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin transparent membrane that covers the white of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids.

Parino conjunctivitis usually occurs in children and adults with weakened immune systems. Here are some of the main reasons for the development of this disease:

  1. Infections: Parino conjunctivitis can be caused by an infection such as viral conjunctivitis or bacterial conjunctivitis. These infections can be transmitted through airborne droplets, contact with contaminated surfaces, or improper use of contact lenses.

  2. Allergies: Some people may develop conjunctivitis as a result of an allergic reaction to various substances, such as pollen, dust, or animals.

  3. Trauma: Injury to the eye or conjunctiva can lead to the development of parinoconjunctivitis. This may be caused by injury, burns, or exposure to irritants.

Symptoms of parino conjunctivitis can vary, depending on its cause and severity. Here are some of the common symptoms that may occur:

  1. Redness of the eye and swelling of the conjunctiva.
  2. Discharge from the eye, which may be clear, yellowish, or greenish.
  3. Itching or burning in the eyes.
  4. Sensation of sand or a foreign body in the eye.
  5. Very rarely, enlarged lymph nodes near the ear.

If you experience these symptoms, it is important to see an ophthalmologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Treatment for parinoconjunctivitis will depend on its cause, but may include the following measures:

  1. Use of topical medications: Your doctor may recommend using eye drops or ointments to relieve inflammation and symptoms. In case of infectious conjunctivitis, antibiotics may be prescribed.

  2. Avoiding irritants: If conjunctivitis is caused by allergies, it is important to avoid contact with allergens and take antihistamines as recommended by your doctor to relieve symptoms.

  3. Hygiene measures: Regular hand washing and avoiding rubbing your eyes can help prevent the spread of infection and relieve symptoms.

  4. Compresses: Applying warm or cold compresses to the eyes can help relieve swelling and discomfort.

  5. Surgery: In rare cases, when parinoconjunctivitis is caused by certain tumors or lesions, surgery may be required.

It is important to remember that self-medication can be dangerous and ineffective, so if symptoms of parinoconjunctivitis appear, you should seek medical help. Early consultation with a doctor will allow you to make a timely diagnosis and begin effective treatment, which will help avoid complications and reduce discomfort.

In conclusion, parinoconjunctivitis is a rare eye disease characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva. Proper diagnosis and treatment of this condition can help relieve symptoms and restore eye health. You should consult an ophthalmologist to receive professional medical care and recommendations for the treatment of parinoconjunctivitis.

Parino conjunctivitis Parino, also known as episcleritis of the eyeball, is an inflammatory process of the outer shell of the eye without damage to the sclera. It differs from other inflammatory diseases in that swelling and hyperemia of the choroid occurs at the limbus itself. This condition causes eye pain, redness, inability to see objects clearly, changes in vision,