Paronychia Suppurative

Paronychia is a disease characterized by the formation of inflammation around the nail at the base. The disease develops in response to infection of surrounding tissues by streptococci or staphylococci. If a patient consults a doctor during the development of an abscess, then surgical treatment is the only way to get rid of it. In advanced cases, treatment includes taking systemic antibacterial drugs. The disease is indicated by darkening of the nail plate or the area near it, increased body temperature, pain and swelling of the finger. A complication is phlegmon of the hand with the development of sepsis.

PARONYCHIA is an inflammatory disease of the nail folds, characterized by suppuration of the soft tissues surrounding the diseased nail. This is accompanied by swelling, redness, and pain when palpating the inflamed area. Paronychia most often occurs as a result of traumatic effects on the periungual fold, as well as under the influence of purulent infection. In 5% of cases, the cause of paronychia is pathogenic flora.

Paronychia can be superficial or deep. The deep form of paronychia is characterized by the penetration of pus directly into the nail area. Superficial paronychiat is characteristic of a mild form of the disease. In this form, inflammation occurs along the edge of the nail fold, next to the nail bed.

Treatment of paronychia should initially be carried out by an experienced surgeon, who will determine the individual form and prescribe complex therapy. After this, daily dressings are carried out, during which the affected area is antiseptically treated with a solution of chloramine, Betadine and other antiseptics. In order to prevent paronychia, it is necessary to carry out timely treatment of diseases of such body systems as the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system, use only high-quality shoes and not overwork the legs.

Paronychia is an inflammation of the tissues that surround the nail plate. In this case, we are talking about suppurative paronychia, which means the presence of infection in the area that is located next to the nail. This disease can be caused by various reasons such as germs, infections or injuries.

Symptoms of suppurative paronychia may include: redness, pain, swelling and tenderness around the nail plate. This may cause a purulent discharge, which may be due to infection of the skin around the nail. If suppurative paronychia is not treated promptly, it can lead to the development of infection and other complications.

Treatment for suppurative paronychia involves removing excess tissue to relieve pressure on the nail and reduce the risk of infection. Antibiotics may also be used to fight infections that may be caused by suppuration in the tissue.

If there is suppurative paronychia on the nails, you should consult a dermatologist or surgeon to begin treatment. Your doctor may prescribe appropriate treatment, including antibiotics and removal of excess tissue in the area around the nails. Patients are also advised to maintain personal hygiene and avoid contact with sick people.

Paronychia suppurativa is becoming more and more common, especially in people who constantly use decorative varnishes or gel polishes for nails. This is often due to damage to the cuticle that protects the nail bed at the fingertips. Improper use of cutting tools, as well as failure to properly care for the skin around the nails, can aggravate the situation and lead to serious inflammation caused by infection. Unfortunately, many people begin to ignore the signs of suppuration that appear, delaying a visit to a specialist in the hope that everything will go away on its own. Against this background, the infection spreads to neighboring nails and fingers, which complicates treatment. This can only be avoided by visiting a doctor in a timely manner. Therefore, if you notice any signs of suppuration in the nail area, immediately seek help from a medical specialist.