Passovaya Operation

Passovaya Operation is a surgical procedure developed by German otolaryngologist Paul Passow in 1890. The operation was named after him and was one of the first examples of surgery to treat ear, nose and throat conditions.

The purpose of the operation was to remove a tumor or cyst from the ear or nose. It included an incision in the ear or nose area, removal of the tumor or cyst, and restoration of tissue integrity. After surgery, the patient usually experienced some bleeding and pain, which could be managed with medications and pain relievers.

Pass surgery was popular in the early 20th century, but over time it has been replaced by more modern treatment methods such as endoscopic surgeries and laser surgery. However, it is still used in some cases, especially in the treatment of middle ear tumors.

Passova Operation - intramedullary extramedullary connection (IEMS) - a set of therapeutic measures aimed at transsphenoidal removal of a pituitary adenoma. Proposed in 1912 by V.F. Passov, his revised technique was proposed by him in 1883. IEMS consists of transsphenoidal removal of the adenoma and sealing of the brain spaces directly in the area of ​​the sella turcica or cavernous sinus using a double-wall technique.

The pass operation is used when