Paget's Cancer Extramammillary

Pageta Rka Extramamiliar for the mouth

Extramamiliary Paget's cancer is a rare skin disease characterized by the formation of ulcers on the skin. This disease occurs in men and women equally, but is more common in older people.

This pathological process begins to manifest itself with the appearance of red formations on the skin, similar to warts. Then, ulcers form at the sites of redness, which increase over time, spread to adjacent tissues and can lead to complications. In particularly severe cases, even metastases to the lymph nodes may occur.

The main causes of Paget's disease Rka Extramamiliary are chronic candidiasis and streptococcal infection. This disease can also often be caused by the human papillomavirus, which can damage the skin. In some cases, pathology may appear after contact with toxic chemicals or active components of drugs used for medical purposes.

The first symptoms of pedetic cancer Extramiliary appear in the form of itching, swelling and pain in the affected area of ​​the skin. The disease in rare cases is manifested by fever and weakened immunity in a person infected with this disease.

Danger of disease

Due to the special mechanisms of spread, this disease can have serious consequences. For example, the formation of metastatic tumors of the lymph nodes is possible. Such manifestations occur in 24% of cases. To make a diagnosis, a biopsy of the affected skin tissue is performed. In this case, the following pathological signs of tumor changes are observed:

* mitosis of more than 5 tumor cells in a regular smear of the superficial area of ​​the skin; * the presence of eosinophils, leukocytes and neutrophils in a smear taken from a skin biopsy.

To diagnose the disease, the doctor may examine the patient's skin using a dermatoscope. Thus, characteristic signs of the disease are identified: areas of dense, unstained basement membrane with an increased number of cells. Traces of peripheral growth may also be observed on the skin at the top of the lesions.

Treatment of paget cancer in Russia is carried out by doctors of surgical and cosmetology specializations. In addition, chemotherapy and immunotherapy are used. This process helps prevent the development of deep epidermolysis, which rapidly spreads throughout the tissues of the body. Treatment is carried out only if it is associated with minimal side effects, effective regimens and can affect the entire body.

Paget's (P) cancer (L. carcinoma) extramilliary (for tumors located in the extravenous parts of the lymphatic tract).

Also known as extramuscular Paget's cancer

Skin syndrome developing under the influence of a breast tumor - Paget's sarcoma (epithelioid cell carcinoma), localized in the nipple and areola. This is one of two forms of cancer that can affect the nipples, the other (rare) being invasive papilloma.

Options for the name of the disease:

1. Paget breast cancer; 2. P, L carcinoma extrapleuralis et mammillaris acutis (in Latin); 3. Extramammary cancer (the term is often used in Russian-language literature)

The extramural form of cancer is manifested by the appearance of small pink spots on the skin of the chest. Over time, they become inflamed and characteristic erosions form - “varnished” areas of the epidermis. These lesions appear as gray plaques with a raised outer edge. Their structure becomes transparent, as if melting or glassy. Depending on the neglect