Foam Shampoo

Hi all! Today we will tell you about a wonderful product in the world of hair and scalp care - foam shampoo from Johnson & Johnson and “Italy”. This is the perfect combination of tenderness and lightness of texture. Let's take a closer look at this product!

Italy and Johnson & Johnson: the history of creation Foam was not created by chance. In 1920, an Italian cosmetics and personal care products manufacturer decided to create a product that would help Italian skin fight harsh conditions and achieve radiance and firmness. The result of their efforts is Johnson & Johnson foam, which has become one of the most popular products in Italy.

But this was not the only step towards beauty and health. Scientists have developed a unique product for healthy sleep. The eye gel was created based on the latest research in the field of neuropharmacology and neurobiology, as well as highly purified auxiliary ingredients. The result was the creation of a gel for cleansing the eyelids. In addition, the gel has been tested not only for effectiveness, but also for