Blood Transfusion Jet

Blood transfusion is a procedure in which the blood of one person is transfused to another to maintain the vital functions of the body. Transfusion can be performed either intravenously or intradermally. In this article we will look at jet blood transfusion.

Jet transfusion is a method of blood transfusion in which blood is supplied to the patient's body in a continuous stream. This method is the most common in modern medicine because it allows blood to be transferred quickly and efficiently from donor to recipient.

For jet blood transfusion, a special device is used - a jet pump, which creates a continuous stream of blood. Blood is taken from the donor's vein through a catheter and fed into a special tank, where it is cleaned of impurities and heated to the desired temperature. The blood is then pumped into a jet pump and then into a needle, which is inserted into the recipient's vein.

The benefits of jet transfusion include rapid blood transfer, the ability to control blood flow and volume, and a reduced risk of infection. However, this method also has its disadvantages, such as the risk of vascular damage and the risk of air embolism.

Overall, jet blood transfusion is an effective and safe method used in medicine to keep patients with severe injuries or illnesses alive.

Blood transfusion (jet) is one of the types of blood transfusion (method) in which the blood flows continuously and does not “drip” (usually due to preliminary compression of the vein before puncture). This method of transfusion is the most physiological (for both the donor and the recipient)