Fracture Comminuted

A comminuted fracture is a fracture in which the integrity of the bone is disrupted, and the fracture line has at least two fragments of different sizes.

Treatment depends on the specific location, the degree of displacement of the fragments, the presence of complications and the individual characteristics of the patient. Surgical methods are used, the purpose of which is to compare the damaged fragment with the undamaged one, restore blood supply and limb function. Closed reduction is carried out using splinting, giving the limb a certain position under anesthesia. If manipulation of the arm or leg is impossible, doctors apply a plaster cast. If a hip is fractured, surgery is necessary to fix the limb.

If the patient has a displaced comminuted fracture of the humerus, a one-stage closed shoulder repair is performed. The victim's joint is fixed and taken to a trauma center on a splint. Sometimes surgical treatment is required