Performing chest compressions in conscious adult victims

In some cases, when assisting an adult with choking, compression may be necessary.
chest compressions rather than abdominal thrusts. Chest compressions should be performed when you are unable to fully grasp the victim or when the woman is in the later stages of pregnancy. To perform chest compressions on a conscious adult victim, stand behind him and grab the chest, moving your hands under the victim's armpits. As with abdominal thrusts, form one hand into a fist and press the thumb side of it toward the middle portion of the affected sternum. Make sure your fist is in the center of your sternum and not on your ribs. Also check that it is not located at the bottom of the sternum. Cover your fist with the palm of your other hand and do a vigorous chest compression
Repeat this type of compression until the foreign object is removed and the victim begins to breathe, cough, or loses consciousness.