
Periduodenitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Periduodenitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the area around the first part of the duodenum. The term "periduodenitis" is derived from the combination of the words "peri-" (meaning "around"), "duodenum" and "-itis" (meaning inflammation).

This pathology can have various causes, including infectious, autoimmune, allergic or traumatic factors. Chronic periduodenitis may be associated with long-term exposure of the duodenal mucosa to irritants such as acid, bile or food enzymes.

The main symptoms of periduodenitis are:

  1. Pain in the upper abdomen, which can be acute or chronic. The pain usually intensifies after eating, especially fatty or spicy foods.
  2. Feeling of heaviness or fullness in the abdomen.
  3. Dyspeptic disorders such as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating or belching.
  4. Loss of appetite and the appearance of weight loss.
  5. General weakness, fatigue

Periadenitis is a serious condition that can occur in people suffering from various infections. It is associated with inflammation of the tissues around the intestines. Symptoms can vary and include pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. Treatment of peridudenitis requires medical intervention. However, before you see your doctor, you may want to

Periduodenal, or periduoditis, is an inflammatory lesion of the tissue that surrounds the duodenum and is called the duodenal sheath (pancareatoduodenomoalervin). The most common cause of the disease is inflammation of the pancreas; there are also other reasons for the development of periododitis such as infection, malnutrition and others.

Peridueodonidium is very dangerous because it can lead to tissue necrosis and the development of an abscess in the duodenum area. Treatment of periduoditis depends on the cause that caused it; surgical treatment or conservative therapy with antibiotics is usually carried out. The dynamics of the disease is monitored after tests have shown positive dynamics.

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