Перихондрит (Penchondritis)

Perichondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage and surrounding soft tissue (perichondrium), usually developing as a result of some kind of chronic infection.

Perichondritis most often affects the auricle, less often the cartilage of the nose, larynx and trachea. The causes of the disease can be skin infections (boils, erysipelas), injuries to the auricle, as well as systemic diseases.

The main symptoms of perichondritis of the auricle:

  1. pain and swelling of the ear;

  2. skin redness;

  3. local temperature increase;

  4. cartilage compaction.

As inflammation progresses, the formation of abscesses and fistulas with suppuration is possible.

The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture. Treatment includes antibiotics, NSAIDs, and thermal procedures. If abscesses form, surgical intervention may be required. The prognosis is favorable with timely treatment. Relapses of chronic perichondritis are possible.

Cartilage inflammation is a diagnosis that almost everyone knows about. It can occur with a cold, injury, improperly performed surgery, as well as various inflammatory diseases. Both the craniofacial bones and the tissues of the ears, neck, chest, jaw and even the joints of the hands can become inflamed. To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to undergo an X-ray examination, MRI or CT scan. Treatment includes rest, antibiotics, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery. Early diagnosis of periochondritis is important. Timely treatment can significantly reduce the risk of complications.

The perichondrium is a layer of connective tissue covering the surfaces of bones, such as the skull, ribs, and lips. It plays an important role in various biological processes such as the control of hydration, nutrient absorption and detoxification. Therefore, not only a person’s physical condition, but also his mental appearance depends on his health and stability. Inflammation of the perichondrium or perichondritis is characterized by damage to this membrane, which can lead to various diseases, including allergies and injuries. Knowing about perichondritis is important because it can affect a person's overall health and improve their quality of life. In this article we will look at why perichondritis is so important for our health, what