Perimetry With Two Variables

Perimetry With Two Variables: A Study of Spatial Summation of Light Stimulation

Two-variable perimetry is a method for studying the spatial summation of light stimulation in the visual field. It is based on the use of a projection perimeter with test luminous objects that differ from each other in area and brightness, while maintaining a constant luminous flux sent by them to the eye under study.

Perimetry is used in ophthalmology to diagnose various eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. It allows you to identify the affected areas of the visual field and assess the extent of their damage. At the same time, perimetry with two variables allows you to more accurately determine the affected areas of the visual field and determine the degree of their damage.

The principle of operation of perimetry with two variables is to measure the threshold of visibility of light objects of different areas and brightness at different points of the visual field. In this case, a projection perimeter is used - a device that projects test objects of various shapes, sizes and brightness onto the screen. The patient looks at the screen and presses a button when he sees a glowing object.

As a result of the study, the visibility threshold is determined for each object at each point of the visual field. A map of visual thresholds is then constructed, which provides insight into which areas of the visual field are functioning well and which are performing poorly.

Dual-variable perimetry is a more accurate method of studying the visual field than classical perimetry, which uses only objects of the same brightness and size. This method allows you to more accurately determine the affected areas of the visual field and assess the degree of damage to the eye in various diseases.

In conclusion, dual-variable perimetry is an effective method for examining the visual field, which allows you to more accurately identify the affected areas of the eye and assess the extent of their damage. It is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases and helps preserve patients' vision.

Periometry with two variables is one of the methods for studying the visual field and identifying damage to the retina. It is widely used to diagnose and treat various retinal diseases. This method uses various test objects with different areas and brightness. For more accurate measurements, you have to change the positions of objects and their sizes. This method is also called Hartington; many scientific studies are carried out using this method.