
Perhaps you mean "Perineoplasty".


Description of the problem The perinal zone is an anatomical element that is one of the most complex areas of the body. This area includes the perineum, buttocks, thighs, groin and pelvic floor muscles. It plays an important role in maintaining the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, which ensures safety and comfort during sexual activity and childbirth. In addition, this area is also involved in the control of urine and feces. However, unfortunately, many women experience perineal problems that can lead to significant discomfort and even impair quality of life.

Modern perineoplasty is a medicine that deals with the surgical treatment and correction of the female genital organs, including those related to the perineum. What is perineoplasty? During perineoplasty, doctors change the anatomical shape of the perineal area, including the muscles and tissues responsible for their functioning and safety of innervation. Carrying out such operations becomes possible thanks to the achievements in the modern development of the surgical field. Modern perineoplastic medicine, being a fairly young field of medicine, has already undergone rapid development throughout the last century. Indications for perineoplasty. The procedure can be performed if one of the following problems exists:

Vaginal prolapse and treatment of uterine ruptures after childbirth; Sluggish inflammation of the vaginal tissues; Drooping of vaginal wall cells, also known as mural ptosis; Rare tissue ruptures during childbirth; Reduced tissue sensitivity associated with the use of vibrators or other sex toys; Very stretched vaginal tissues; Maintenance of perineal muscles that do not function well. What kind of perineoplasty is performed on a woman?