Filling Period

The filling period is a stage that any company goes through before launching a project or product into release. It includes many tasks that must be completed in order for the project to be ready for launch and for its development to proceed successfully. In this article we will tell you in more detail about what this period includes and how to go through it most effectively.

The content stage is one of the most important stages in the life of a software product. The success of the product in the market largely depends on how well this stage is implemented. Content is the totality of all technological and architectural decisions taken to prepare a product for sale. During the filling periods, each software module is tested for compliance with customer requirements and internal company standards. Particular attention is paid to stability and fault tolerance, but every component is tested. Before shipping to the customer, all modules are tested under real-world operating conditions for performance issues. During the filling process, the tester develops the following types of documentation: Techlibike - a common language of interaction between the user and the system with a description of typical work scenarios. Configuration Guide - instructions for setting up the system to solve certain functions.