Periodontal Abscess

Periodontal Abscess is an abscess that develops in the periodontium (tissues surrounding the root of the tooth) and indicates the presence of acute inflammation in a person.

A periodontal abscess occurs with acute inflammation of the periodontium, most often caused by an infection that has penetrated through the root canal of the tooth during pulpitis or periodontitis. In this case, pus accumulates in the periodontium, forming an abscess.

The main symptoms of periodontal abscess:

  1. severe throbbing pain in the area of ​​the affected tooth, intensifying when biting;

  2. swelling and redness of the gums in the area of ​​the affected tooth;

  3. temperature increase;

  4. general malaise.

Diagnosis of periodontal abscess is based on an assessment of symptoms and radiographic findings. Treatment includes draining the pus, using antibiotics, controlling inflammation, and restoring or removing the problematic tooth. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

An abscess is not just any inflammation of soft tissue. In this disease, inflammation affects the connective tissue - the periodontal tissues (periodontium), which hold the tooth in the gum. Understanding the difference between the two is important, since complications after treating an abscess are more likely and serious than with treating a regular inflammation

An oral abscess is a soft tissue lesion that occurs when a pocket-like purulent accumulation appears on the jaw in the area of ​​​​the roots of the teeth. Their causes, symptoms and treatment depend on the form of the process - acute and chronic.

Acute abscess - develops very quickly, accompanied by a vivid clinical picture. Diagnosed within a few hours. That's why it is popularly called gumboil. The patient has some of the symptoms described below that confirm the presence of this mass. Flux occurs as a result of injury to a tooth or its root, but can also be an independent disease. Pathology can be localized in one or many areas of the dental system. An acute abscess is extremely dangerous for the patient’s health, since the area containing purulent inflammation puts pressure on the roots of the teeth, which are already having a hard time. In addition, it causes discomfort and pain, often radiating to other organs. The acute form of an abscess requires immediate consultation with a doctor, since this pathology is an indication for urgent surgery. Only with proper treatment can a dentist guarantee success in the fight against the disease that caused gumboil.

A chronic abscess also entails a period of acute symptoms, but then progresses into the stage of healing and scarring. There is no clinical picture, but the patient feels heaviness and discomfort in the jaw, as well as a characteristic odor from the mouth. X