
Perisalpingitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum covering the fallopian tube.

Perisalpingitis refers to inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women. The causes of perisalpingitis are most often sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonococci, mycoplasma). Less commonly, the causes may be other microorganisms that have entered the peritoneum from neighboring organs.

The main symptoms of perisalpingitis:

  1. pain in the lower abdomen, intensifying before and during menstruation;

  2. temperature increase;

  3. menstrual irregularities;

  4. pain on palpation of the abdomen and pelvic area.

Diagnosis of perisalpingitis includes anamnesis, gynecological examination, blood tests, and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of perisalpingitis consists of prescribing antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgery may be required.

The prognosis for timely treatment of perisalpingitis is favorable. However, the disease is fraught with complications such as infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of perisalpingitis is important.

Perisalpingitis: understanding, symptoms and treatment

Perisalpingitis is an inflammatory disease that causes inflammation of the peritoneum covering the fallopian tubes. This condition can cause serious complications and potentially affect the female reproductive system. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of perisalpingitis, including its causes, symptoms and treatments.

Causes of perisalpingitis:
Perisalpingitis is usually the result of infection spreading from the uterus or appendages. Inflammation can occur due to infection caused by bacteria such as chlamydia or gonococcus, which can enter the female genital tract through sexual contact or by raising an infection from the lower female genital tract.

Symptoms of perisalpingitis:
The main symptoms of perisalpingitis include:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen, which may

Perisalpingitis is an inflammatory process in the peritoneum due to tuberculosis infection or the presence of tumors and other processes of unknown origin. Depending on the type of infection, the disease can be chronic. This condition is one of the most dangerous forms of gynecological diseases.

There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. The acute form is characterized by the rapid spread of the process throughout the abdominal cavity and severe intoxication of the body, symptoms of general infectious and inflammatory, as well as purulent pathologies, the damage of which is localized at the developmental stage without previous signs of acute epididymitis. Complications in the form of abscesses with a breakthrough of the contents into the cavity of the bladder and membrane with the formation of ulcers are also possible.

Chronic nature is quite rare and is expressed by the following symptoms:

Pain and discomfort in the pelvis, accompanied by spotting. Painful sensations are characterized by particular intensity and consistency, intensifying after sexual intercourse and a change in position. The pain is sharp, purulent in nature, and associated with general physical activity. Lack of timely treatment can cause the development of neoplasms, acute inflammation of the appendix, rectal dysfunction, uterine destruction, sepsis, and scarring of the wall of the fallopian tube.