Peritonitis Generalized

Generalized peritonitis is

In medicine, inflammation of the peritoneum (peritoneum), which is manifested by symptoms similar to those of an acute abdomen in the case of shock, hepatitis or acute pancreatitis, but is also accompanied by vomiting, general weakness and high fever. This disease is characterized by chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramping abdominal pain, and high leukocytosis. There is a whitish coating on the tongue. Laboratory tests reveal a significant increase in ESR and an increase in the number of leukocytes. Big problems for differential diagnosis arise with other severe surgical pathologies, in particular, acute intestinal obstruction, acute cholecystitis or appendicitis, as well as acute pneumonia, fever in acute surgical pathologies of other localization (for example, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with obstruction of the colon). Treatment of generalized peritonitis is surgical. It is important to learn to distinguish peritonitis from inflammation of the peritoneal muscles. Manifestations of the generalized form of the disease:

severe weakness; lack of appetite; heart rhythm disturbance; tachycardia; unreasonable rise in temperature. In the acute form, the patient becomes indifferent to what is happening, cannot think about anything, is inhibited and apathetic, which sharply distinguishes his condition from the usual hyperemia of the peritoneum with migraine. Body temperature always remains high, reaching 39–40 degrees. If peritonitis is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, the symptoms will be more pronounced. First of all, vomiting and diarrhea are observed - at first one-time cases, then they appear 10-15 times every morning. Fecal matter smells bad and has a characteristic colored border. Diarrhea begins regardless of food intake: the same amount of food comes out almost immediately. The patient loses weight, experiences severe excruciating pain, experiences belching and uncontrollable coughing attacks. Appetite worsens, severe dryness of the mucous membranes appears, and it is not possible to palpate the abdomen. The time elapsed after the last meal before the onset of peritonitis can range from several hours to three days. Dizziness and sharp pain when moving are characteristic signs of peritonitis. Symptoms are especially clear when sitting or lying down. Appear