Personality Change, Personality Disorder

Personality change and personality disorder (Personality Disorder) is a long-term, stable, maladaptive stereotype of behavior that is formed in a person over a long period of time. Typically, this behavior begins to appear in a person in his youth.

Personality disorders can come in different forms and have different symptoms. Some of them include Anankastic, Ascetic, Borderline, Dissocial, Hysterical, Paranoid and Schizoid types of disorders.

Severe behavioral deviations often cause the person himself or the people around him (and sometimes them together) to suffer. People with personality disorders may have trouble forming and maintaining relationships and coping with everyday tasks. Some may be prone to aggressive behavior, while others may be isolated.

However, sometimes such people manage to live a happy life. It is possible to alleviate the condition of a person suffering from a personality disorder using various types of psychotherapy. However, the question of which one is preferable still remains open.

Some types of psychotherapy that can help people suffering from personality disorders include cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. Each type of therapy can be used to treat a specific type of personality disorder.

For example, cognitive behavioral therapy can help people with dissocial disorder learn to better understand their emotions and behavior, as well as develop communication and relationship skills. Dialectical behavior therapy can be effective for people with borderline disorder who have trouble regulating emotions and setting boundaries.

Psychodynamic therapy can help people with paranoid or histrionic disorder learn to understand their emotions and beliefs and how they influence their behavior and interactions with others.

Overall, although personality disorder can be difficult to treat, psychotherapy can help people suffering from this type of disorder improve their quality of life and learn to cope better with everyday tasks and relationships.

Personality change, Personality Disorder is a long-term, stable, maladaptive behavior pattern that develops in a person over a long period of time. Typically, this behavior begins to appear in a person in his youth. Severe deviations in behavior often cause the person himself or the people around him to suffer (and often them together). However, sometimes such people manage to live a happy life.

It is possible to alleviate the condition of a person suffering from a personality disorder using various types of psychotherapy, but the question of which one is preferable still remains open.

See Anankastic, Ascetic, Borderline, Dissocial. Hysterical, Paranoid. Schizoid.

Personality change, personality disorder, is a long-term, stable, maladaptive stereotype of behavior that develops in a person over a long period of time. Typically, this behavior begins to appear in a person in his youth. Severe deviations in behavior often cause the person himself or the people around him to suffer (and often them together). However, sometimes such people manage to live a happy life.

It is possible to alleviate the condition of a person suffering from a personality disorder using various types of psychotherapy, but the question of which one is preferable still remains open.

See also: Anankastic, Ascetic, Borderline, Dissocial. Hysterical, Paranoid. Schizoid.