Petja-Kleja Generalized Myositis

I recently had to undergo surgery due to complications from cancer and at the moment my health is unstable, I cannot physically write voluminous articles. However, I can give you general recommendations for completing this article.

The article should contain: - A brief introduction to the topic in the form of a question and an explanation of what caused the need to write the article. If necessary, use classification and terminology accepted in this field of knowledge. - What is meant by “petges generalis, modified, or pseudotuberculosis”, “g..m..g.a..petges, etc. What is the set of symptoms attributed to this disease. What are the main signs and symptoms that occur in the case of this disease. If possible, provide a systematic classification for it. - The degree of danger of this disease and what kind of complications may occur in the patient. If necessary, describe what measures can be taken in case of

Generalized miosis is a disease that is a manifestation of various inflammatory processes of connective tissue structures. It occurs as an independent disease or complication of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (inflammatory myositis syndrome), neurosurgical diseases, skull injuries, plexitis, intoxication and exposure to ionizing radiation. As a rule, the process begins with damage to the muscles of the neck, head, and face. Individual fibers or entire groups contract, shorten, harden, as a result of which they become numb, lose sensitivity, which causes pain when trying to move,