
Pharmacomania is an abnormal addiction to the use of various medications.

Pharmacomania manifests itself in an unmotivated and uncontrolled desire to constantly take medications, including without a doctor’s prescription. A person with a drug addiction may take a variety of medications, both prescription and over-the-counter. At the same time, the number of medications taken is constantly increasing.

The main signs of pharmaceutical addiction are:

  1. Constant desire to get and take the next dose of the drug.

  2. Neglecting the rules for taking medications specified in the instructions.

  3. Increasing the dose of the drug to achieve the desired effect.

  4. The appearance of withdrawal syndrome when stopping the drug.

  5. Continuing to take medication despite obvious harm to health.

  6. Focus on finding and purchasing the next portion of the drug.

  7. Ignoring other interests and hobbies.

Pharmacology is dangerous due to the development of serious side effects and life-threatening complications, such as overdose. In addition, it leads to strong psychological and physical dependence on the drugs. Treatment of drug addiction includes psychotherapy and drug support to overcome withdrawal symptoms. Complete recovery is possible only if you completely stop taking medications, except those that are vital as prescribed by a doctor.

Pharmacology addiction is one of the most common and serious problems associated with the use of medications for other purposes. This condition is characterized by an addiction to using drugs in large quantities or to treat non-existent diseases, which can lead to dangerous side effects and other serious consequences.

The cause of drug addiction may be a person’s desire to cope with any symptoms, improve their well-being, calm their nerves, or get rid of some health problems. Sometimes, such medication use is an attempt to increase self-esteem, self-confidence, or compensate for a lack of self-esteem and self-understanding. Another reason may be poor awareness of the possibility of side effects and unwanted effects that certain medications have on the body.

Abnormal use of drugs leads not only to imbalance in the body, but also to the destruction of mental health. Often such people suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia and other psychological disorders that arise from drug abuse. In addition, doctors note that drug abuse can reduce the effectiveness of their effect on the disease and often causes a decrease in the quality of life and a delay in the patient’s recovery.

Thus, pharmacomania is a serious disease that requires the attention and participation of doctors and psychologists. Treatment of such addiction consists not only in relieving the symptoms of addiction, but also in correcting the personal problem that was the basis of this deviation. It is important to understand that self-medication and drug abuse without a doctor’s prescription can worsen your health and lead to even more serious consequences.

Pharmacology addiction is a disease that affects an increasing number of people. Many people ask the question “how to stop taking pills?” and “can drug addiction be cured?” It all starts quite harmlessly - a person takes a pill or several to eliminate the consequences and diseases of the body. But over time, uncontrolled consumption of drugs by the body occurs.

The worst thing about drug addiction is that a person really considers it necessary. He thinks he is getting sick without the pills. Stops taking care of himself and receiving treatment. Here, consultation with a specialist is necessary: ​​there is a dependence and it is more than physical. At the same time, psychological assistance is also provided to patients who suffer from this disease.