Pharyngeal Tubercle

A pharyngeal tubercle is a growth on the back of the throat that can be found in some people. This is a small protrusion that can be caused by various reasons.

A pharyngeal tubercle can occur due to injury or infection. It may also be congenital and not cause any problems. However, if the pharyngeal tubercle causes discomfort or makes breathing difficult, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment for a pharyngeal tubercle may involve various methods, such as surgical removal or the use of medications. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor for professional advice.

The pharyngeal tubercle is a small fold of mucous membrane that is located at the back of the larynx and surrounds the epiglottis. It consists of a semilunar and elliptical part, which are interconnected by a soft tissue formation. The pharyngeal tubercle is an important anatomical structure because its location and function are of great importance for the normal functioning of the vocal cords and