Phlebography Uterine

Phlebography of the uterus is a diagnostic method based on the introduction of contrast into the uterine cavity using a catheter, after which an X-ray examination is performed and the condition of the uterine vessels is studied.

Phlebography is used for:

  1. diagnosis of uterine fibroids;
  2. detection of tumors;
  3. diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy;
  4. determining the cause of uterine bleeding;
  5. monitoring the course of pregnancy;
  6. preparation for abortion;
  7. monitoring the effectiveness of fibroid treatment.

Before the procedure, you must undergo a number of examinations, including blood and urine tests, an ECG and fluorography, and also consult with a doctor.

Phlebography of the uterus is an X-ray examination method in which a contrast agent is injected into the uterus, after which it is X-ray imaged on film. This method allows you to obtain information about the condition of the uterine vessels, as well as identify various diseases of the pelvic organs in women.

The main indication for phlebography of the uterus is a suspicion of uterine fibroids, polyp or other tumor in the cavity of the reproductive organ. Venography can also be performed before surgery to remove uterine fibroids or other gynecological diseases.

Before performing this procedure, the doctor explains to the patient the main aspects and risks of venography. Possible side effects include bleeding from the uterus and damage to nearby tissue. In addition, the procedure may cause discomfort and pain for the patient.

Phlebography of the uterus is carried out in a special office using modern equipment and qualified specialists. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient may feel slight discomfort during the injection. The contrast is then injected into the uterine cavity through a catheter, which is then fixed to the uterine wall using a silk thread. Next, X-rays are performed to assess the condition of the woman’s uterine vessels and genital organs. After the procedure, the catheter is removed and the operation is completed.

Thus, venography can be a very effective method for diagnosing and treating gynecological diseases, but it has its own risks and side effects. Before carrying out this procedure, you should consult your doctor and discuss all possible consequences.