Phosphorus necrosis (Phosphonecrosis)

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Necrosis is the process of tissue death. In this case, we are talking about phosphorus necrosis, which occurs as a result of the body receiving an excess amount of this chemical element.

Phosphorus can enter the body in a variety of ways, such as through inhalation of its vapor or ingestion through food or drinks. The human diet contains a lot of phosphorus (up to

Phosfluoride necrosis (phosphonecrosis): description and causes

Phosfluoride necrosis is a pathological process leading to the destruction of tissues of a living organism as a result of exposure to excess amounts of phosphorus compounds. This disease has different sources of etiology and can occur as a result of acute or chronic intoxication, and can also be associated with radiation exposure. The main sites of localization of the pathological process are the liver, kidney muscles, heart and bones.

Etiology and pathogenesis of phosphorous necrosis

Xenobiotic calcium compounds formed during the activation of organophosphorus compounds can enhance tubular depletion and damage to the cell membranes of the kidneys, especially those susceptible to ischemia and hypoxia. The cause of this disease may be: chemotherapy drugs and anticonvulsants, food poisoning, or the effect of radioactive elements. Clinically manifests itself as rapidly progressive hyperkalemia, dehydration in combination with metabolic acidosis, neurological symptoms, dysfunction of various organs and systems.

Depending on the cause and location of phosphorus necrosis, the severity of the patient's condition and the severity of the pathology can vary greatly. For example, if there is toxicity in the digestive system, symptoms may include high fever, vomiting, and seizures. Also, patients with radiation phosphorase necrosis may exhibit early lymphatic changes, impaired consciousness, and profound neuronal damage.