Pigment Malarial

The pigment of malaria parasites is hemozoin. The hemozoin pigment is a product of the synthesis of red blood cells, a nodular formation near their surface or inside cells (for example, sickle-shaped erythrocytes). Previously, this substance was not particularly popular, since at all times it was believed that this was only a distinctive characteristic of red blood. Most cases of the disease were associated with the presence of malaria, that is, a fever that developed from the bite of a malarial mosquito. Over time, the nature of the pigment and its role in the course of the disease process were studied. Discoveries in this area led to the fact that many ordinary people considered pigmentation a natural sign of the disease, so the hemozoin pigment began to receive other names that have become commonly used: -

- chlorine,

and hemodyne formations are purple.

The method of using hemozoin dyes in medical practice is quite diverse. Azur-gel is used to stain human body organs, and azuric acid is used to stain smears of microorganisms; in addition, pigments can be used to study the effect of chemicals on the body (aseptic studies). Based on this, it becomes clear that the pigment is present in almost every person; for its absorption, a person only needs the presence of bile in the gastrointestinal tract, without contact with mosquitoes. The pigment is also used in science to analyze blood and detect other organisms in it. An important feature of the hemosin pigment is its high toxicity, which cannot be said about natural hemoglobin, therefore pigmentation in the human body is a disorder incompatible with life. There are several hundred different types of diseases on the planet, characterized by abnormal blood coloring and the presence of the hemozoin pigment; among them, not the most dangerous, according to medical specialists, is malaria and its varieties, which were previously classified as just bright red dots on the skin. In addition to ordinary ones, there are medicinal, therapeutic and prophylactic uses of hemozoin pigment in medicine. In general, we can say that it is the general name of a substance produced by the red blood cells of mammals (except primates); the presence of pigment certainly affects blood clotting, fluidity and some other important indicators of the state of the body. For people, the definition of malaria is very important due to the complexity of the influence of protein compounds on the activity of the human body; the definition of the disease itself should be based on visual diagnosis, however, this method is not universal and is insufficient in modern conditions, when microorganisms have significant variability and are often asymptomatic. You should also seek the help of specialists if you suspect a rare type of malarial disease in which blood pigmentation changes