Picker Method

Picker's method for the treatment of prostate cancer

The Pikker method is a complex and labor-intensive scientific method for the treatment of prostate cancer, developed and proposed by professor urologist Ramzan Pikker. The method involves creating specific surgical procedures that can help reduce the growth of cancer cells in the body and prolong the lives of patients who are critically ill due to cancer. These operations require extensive access to the damaged organ.

Developing since the beginning of the 20th century, the Picker method has become the focus of attention for the global community of urologists and oncologists. It is used as an alternative method to traditional surgery and radiation, which can provide faster and longer-term results. The treatment is based on the use of local anesthetic techniques and the use of modern technologies, such as a blood arrest system, to minimize risks to the patient. Unlike many other cancer treatment options, the Picker method is non-toxic