Pill Mass

Pill mass is a pharmaceutical substance that is used to make medications, including pills. It is the most common dosage form in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is made from various medicinal herbs such as licorice root, Chinese ginseng, astragalus and others.

The composition of the pill mass includes mainly medicinal plants, which are dried and then crushed into powder. The powder is then mixed with other ingredients such as vegetable oils, animal fats, and water, and various additives such as spices and flavorings are added. All this together then forms the basic shape of the pills.

The advantages of using the pill form are that it retains more nutrients and active ingredients than other forms of the drug and has the advantages of ease of storage and dosage. The pills also have a longer shelf life than other forms of the drug.

Thus, pill masses are an important part of traditional medicine and are used to treat various