Bellarminov tweezers

Long gone are the days when data transmission capabilities took the form of signal lights or electrical switches. The development of electronics and Internet technologies has led to the creation of new devices that have greatly simplified the work of specialists in various fields. In this article we will talk about Bellarminov tweezers - a unique device for accessing small surfaces and parts.

Bellarmine tweezers are small tweezers for grasping small objects. It is very easy to use and in skillful hands allows you to perform various operations with the smallest objects. The name of the tweezers itself comes from the name of Bellarmin, who discovered its formula back in the mid-20th century. The device has found application in many areas of human activity due to its useful properties.

Most often, a conventional gripping device was used to handle such small objects. However, thanks to Bellarminov tweezers, it has become possible to more conveniently and productively use all techniques for working with small objects, such as assembling mechanical toys, cosmetology, medicine, modeling, technical carving, and electronics assembly. In addition, tweezers perform their function perfectly when using the fuselage of an airplane, rocket, aircraft mechanisms, as well as when working in a small car parts workshop. In modern conditions of pandemic and quarantine, the use of Bellar tweezers