
Treatment algorithm for pyoderitis

If you notice the first symptoms of pyodermatitis, you should immediately contact a specialist for a diagnosis. Today there are many ways to combat pyodermatitis. Here is the basic treatment algorithm.

Before applying medications to the skin, you should thoroughly clean it of dirt and ointments. For this purpose, you can use hydrogen peroxide or furacillin solution. The liquid is applied to a tampon and the problem areas are wiped. It is recommended to carry out treatment 2 to 3 times a day. For deep skin lesions on the back or chest, an antimicrobial spray may be prescribed. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the procedure promises some discomfort to the patient.

After cleaning, the sore spot must be treated with an antibacterial agent. As such an ointment, you can use tetracycline, syntomycin, levomekol or baneocin ointments. All medications are applied either to a cotton swab or, if necessary, to a gauze pad. After this, the product should be distributed in a thin layer over the skin without pressing or smearing. This action allows the drug to penetrate the skin pores as deeply as possible and have a therapeutic effect.

The next stage of treatment for pyoderma is the application of special creams that contain zinc. Such drugs actively fight inflammation and dry out the skin. Medicines promote rapid skin regeneration, thus restoring a healthy appearance to the tissues. In addition, the products increase local immunity, which prevents the infection from spreading to neighboring areas of the skin. The preparations are applied in a thin layer no more than 3 times a day.

Since old, purulent ulcers may require long-term conservative therapy, your doctor may recommend visiting a physical therapist. The specialist will prescribe electrophoresis, microwave therapy or ultrasound procedures