Pyoderma Chronic Ulcerative

Table of contents

1. What is pyoderma 2. Chronic catarrhal chancre: causes and treatment 3. Granulosis is one of the forms of pyodenodermatitis 4. Patch cellulitis and streptostaniosis 5. Kombucha infusion is the best remedy for the treatment of Kaposi's pyodysplasia 6. Microsporia of the scalp 7. Localized lupus erythematosus 8. Pityriasis versicolor or versicolor 9. Scaly lichen planus (pemphigus) 10. Papulosquamous pustular psoriasis (vulgar psoriasis) - “seasonal exacerbations” 11. Pityriasis rosea, exudative diathesis and atopic dermatitis (children and adults). Treatment 12. Parapsoriasis 13. Red dotted acne - Borovsky's disease - localized pustular form of acne (nodular

Chronic ulcerative pyoderma is a chronic pustular wound affecting soft tissue. The disease occurs secondarily. The causative agent of pyoderma is pyogenic flora. Most often, skin lesions are localized on the flexor surfaces, scalp, extensor surface of the shoulder and forearm. There are superficial and deep pyoderma. 1). , temporal areas, in the armpits. The edges of the ulceration are densely ridge-like, thickened, and subsequently become keratinized; limited ridges or infiltrates are noted along the periphery. Subsequently, the edges scar and become rounded. At the same time, deep erosion is detected around the ulcer, which expands over time. This leads to the appearance of edema, which persists for a long time, and has a bluish-purple color. If the process develops on the scalp, then the ulcerated surface appears unchanged. The discharge is serous and may be sanguineous or purulent. During the period of exacerbation, there may be phenomena of lymphadenitis. • chronlmia Ulcer  mr&ncioJe mr treatedbnmpvr&nsbpvmrpilpvrbvpdr. 2) Localized form of deep folliculitis Diagnosis of pyodermatitis, chronic ulcerative skin lesions: * dermatologist, for differential diagnosis from other diseases the following is carried out: coprogram, examination of biological fluids for markers of viral hepatitis